Sunday, 23 March 2014

Cake Forks

Cake Forks indeed. Don't they look pretty? So why is SITNB talking about cake forks? 

Today I am entering my 52nd week of sobriety and I had asked a few weeks ago if anyone had a good suggestion of what gift I could buy myself to mark the date and the achievement. Thanks to everyone who made took the time to comment and e-mail me with ideas, they were very much appreciated.

When I drank wine, I loved wine glasses. I loved looking at them, holding them, buying them and filling them (obviously!). I had my favourite ones and my special ones and they each added something to the occasion. Given that I replaced my wine habit with cake, that I bake at least one cake each weekend and currently eat it with a small moshi monster fork (which does not reflect the image I try to convey) I decided I would buy myself some lovely cake forks. What a great idea, or 'Lightbulb!' as I believe the cool phrase is now.

I will love these little forks and they will heighten my cake eating experience while reminding me of all the good reasons I now eat cake! 

How have you celebrated your alcohol free milestones? 

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