Friday, 5 December 2014

Scotland's New Drink Driving Law Today

From today in Scotland, the legal drink driving limit of blood alcohol level is reduced from 80 mg to 50 mg per 100 ml blood. This means it is lower than the unchanged level in England and Wales, and is equal to that in Europe.

Yesterday, the coffee rom chat amongst my fellow Scots was not focussed on the safety aspect of this change nor did many consider the risk drink drivers pose to others. In the true British way of drinking, the chat was about how much you could still drink and not get 'caught' or worse still, get unfairly caught the morning after. The anti-establishment vibes of flirting close to the line and 'getting away with it' were paramount. I heard no chat of 'best not to bother drinking anything if you're driving' which is more appealing to my 'all or none' mentality.

Further, I heard on the radio that certain outlets are giving drivers free top ups of coca cola or diet coke all night after purchasing their first glass. I did not catch the details- anyone know where this applies????

My overall reaction to the change in the law is that it is a move in the right direction for public safety as a whole. My more personal feeling is one of relief. I don't have to bother about the new lower limit, I don't have to decide whether to buy a breathalyser self testing kit or not, I don't have to concern myself with the morning after. In many ways, this new change is not relevant to me, in my individual life. I'm glad I don't need to study the factors affecting metabolism and blood concentration of alcohol nor bemoan being able to drink even less while factoring a host of unknowns into the risk assessment.

All or nothing is the way I am and today brings another reason that as far as alcohol is concerned, I'm glad it's nothing.


  1. Well I like that you call it drink driving, I've not heard that as we call it drunk driving. It sounds like the limits there are lower now than they are here in the states. I totally agree though that it's better to not have to worry about it at all! I've finished the second reading of your book and I was still nodding my head the entire way through.

  2. Hi. Yes I think the states are 80, you say 0.08%, with 40 for taxi drivers etc. I read it is variably enforced. Certainly the summer I spent in New Jersey, the locals were fairly relaxed about drinking then driving us to the next party!
    Thanks for your lovely comments about my book, we are not alone in that pattern of thinking and living. And thank you sooooo much for the review you posted on amazon for me. That's so helpful. Have a great weekend. Rx

  3. We're just so predictable us Brits aren't we? Always trying to find a way round something rather than accept it as a good way forward LOL! xx

  4. Having nothing is the safest option, for sure, in all sorts of ways. It's coming up for three months since I had a drink, and it's a huge relief not to worry every morning whether I am OK to drive to work. These days are gone! Thankfully! :-)

    1. it's amazing isn't it? Sooo much less to worry about all round. Congrats on your 3 months. Look ahead to 100 days and stay on line for support this month. Rx

  5. Great blog Rachel. I think the "free cola" scheme you are referring to is the Designated Driver scheme that Coca-Cola run. As a non-drinker this is great news for me.
    Cheers Pam x

    1. Thans for finding this link. I'll share it. Rx


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